This would have been a marriage made in Sponsorship Hell.
Crow wants to legitimise his Porn Business by giving to a very worthy cause, a cause in need of more support and if Breast Cancer Foundation accepted the $7500 then it would have been a great PR job for Crow and Boobs on Bikes.
New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation made the right decision to distance themselves from the boo-boo King.
You know that Crow's offer wasn’t a legitimate act of support because when the foundation turned him down he spat the dummie in an email:
".....a perfectly legal and valid source. What right do you, or anyone else in your organisation, have to turn down funding much needed by the women of this country?
If that wasn't enough Daddy Pornster then got in a real tangle and wrote:"Is the Foundation so flush with cash that it does not need money to help New Zealand women combat and/or live with this horrible disease? If it is, that is wonderful – I look forward to soon learning that all New Zealand women are eligible for unlimited free screening and treatment for breast cancer."
If he was legitimate – about giving to the cause he should have made several donations anonymously and then devised a strategy to support aspects of the Foundation without compromising the Foundations aims and objections.
It got the highest number of blog feedback comments in the website over 220 comments.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Good ole Sir Doug Graham he’s a character. The former Treaty Settlements Minister reckons he’s worked hard he deserves his perks – and when he’s too hobbly and wobbly to travel he’ll take the cash - you gotta love him.
Ian Shearer former National MP from 1975 to 1984 referred to the bad old days when there were no electorate offices and the wives had to take all the calls and play secretary as one of the reasons for protecting perks… by rights then it’s the wives that should get the travel allowances. But what happens to the poor ole missus if there’s a divorce! Oh! No more perk - just RSI from note taking all them years back. Even if they’re not divorced it doesn’t mean the hubby will take the spouse along on an overseas trip. It apepars as though the poor ole missus misses out al'round.
But Rodney Hide’s right - which is very rare for the little man. Perks of Parliament are part of a by-gone era and not relevant now it was bestowed by Cabinet not an Independent Body and the real value or impact on tax payers was not fully realised and should now be scrapped.
So scrapping subsidies, purging perks, will also eliminate the likes of Taito Field from receiving his perks.
Ian Shearer former National MP from 1975 to 1984 referred to the bad old days when there were no electorate offices and the wives had to take all the calls and play secretary as one of the reasons for protecting perks… by rights then it’s the wives that should get the travel allowances. But what happens to the poor ole missus if there’s a divorce! Oh! No more perk - just RSI from note taking all them years back. Even if they’re not divorced it doesn’t mean the hubby will take the spouse along on an overseas trip. It apepars as though the poor ole missus misses out al'round.
But Rodney Hide’s right - which is very rare for the little man. Perks of Parliament are part of a by-gone era and not relevant now it was bestowed by Cabinet not an Independent Body and the real value or impact on tax payers was not fully realised and should now be scrapped.
So scrapping subsidies, purging perks, will also eliminate the likes of Taito Field from receiving his perks.
The Tongan Government brought a heap of junk. It knowingly bought the Ferry Princess Ashika a rusty bucket of disaster waiting to sink, that’s according to the Fijian Government.
According to the Fijian Government, it de-registered Princess Ashika in May this year, a month before it was sold to Tonga. Fiji carried out a sea-worthiness survey of the ship, prohibited the vessel from servicing within Fiji waters and approved it, for one last trip between Levuka to Suva. Presumably this final voyage was to be its death march. But rather than scrapping the vessel it was instead sold in a private deal (so the Fijian Governments says) to Tonga in June-July.
Tongatapu is a tiny nation made up of 169 Islands 39 of which are populated. They are King and God faring people they are a poor nation. But its monarchy are hugely wealthy.
Princess Pilolevu, 54, became a multi-millionaire by helping herself to a sovereign asset, Tongasat. She effectively holds the right to geostationary satellite orbits.
Prince Tupouto'a, 56, has linked up with Tongan-Indo-Fijian businessmen brothers, Joe and Soane Ramanlal, and taken over electricity generation and the mobile phone company. He already has a brewery and according to insiders is now looking to seize Tongasat from his sister.
Tonga tapu is a kingdom of have’s and have not’s.
I grew up in Tonga. My father built the Queen Salote Wharf in 1963-66 in Nukualofa. I still have whanau ties in the Kingdom. So the Ferry Princess Ashika tragedy is very close to my heart.
My friend and a great Photographer John Miller from Auckland put it in perspective for me by comparing the magnitude of tragedy in terms of scale; if it happened in NZ relative to our population of 1.4 million we would have lost 3,400 people and of that number 1,462 would have been women and children. In this Tongan tragedy 33 women and 10 children aboard were aboard and none of them survived.
There were 119 presumed on board although 149 names appear on the manifest and some of these names are duplicated. 54 men were rescued. 2 bodies recovered, one of them Vaefetu'u Mahe - she was 22, but her 3 year old baby and husband are presumed drowned. The other is Daniel Macmillan a Brit living in NZ for the past 5 years.
NZ, Australia and Japan will contribute to a new ferry. Independent inquiry ordered, likely to get NZ help. Royal commission of inquiry will publish findings end of November.
There’s a march and memorial service for the victims of the Princess Ashika to be held on the wharf near the Maritime Museum here in Auckland 10am, August 23. Flowers will be placed in the water. Everyone is welcome to attend.
According to the Fijian Government, it de-registered Princess Ashika in May this year, a month before it was sold to Tonga. Fiji carried out a sea-worthiness survey of the ship, prohibited the vessel from servicing within Fiji waters and approved it, for one last trip between Levuka to Suva. Presumably this final voyage was to be its death march. But rather than scrapping the vessel it was instead sold in a private deal (so the Fijian Governments says) to Tonga in June-July.
Tongatapu is a tiny nation made up of 169 Islands 39 of which are populated. They are King and God faring people they are a poor nation. But its monarchy are hugely wealthy.
Princess Pilolevu, 54, became a multi-millionaire by helping herself to a sovereign asset, Tongasat. She effectively holds the right to geostationary satellite orbits.
Prince Tupouto'a, 56, has linked up with Tongan-Indo-Fijian businessmen brothers, Joe and Soane Ramanlal, and taken over electricity generation and the mobile phone company. He already has a brewery and according to insiders is now looking to seize Tongasat from his sister.
Tonga tapu is a kingdom of have’s and have not’s.
I grew up in Tonga. My father built the Queen Salote Wharf in 1963-66 in Nukualofa. I still have whanau ties in the Kingdom. So the Ferry Princess Ashika tragedy is very close to my heart.
My friend and a great Photographer John Miller from Auckland put it in perspective for me by comparing the magnitude of tragedy in terms of scale; if it happened in NZ relative to our population of 1.4 million we would have lost 3,400 people and of that number 1,462 would have been women and children. In this Tongan tragedy 33 women and 10 children aboard were aboard and none of them survived.
There were 119 presumed on board although 149 names appear on the manifest and some of these names are duplicated. 54 men were rescued. 2 bodies recovered, one of them Vaefetu'u Mahe - she was 22, but her 3 year old baby and husband are presumed drowned. The other is Daniel Macmillan a Brit living in NZ for the past 5 years.
NZ, Australia and Japan will contribute to a new ferry. Independent inquiry ordered, likely to get NZ help. Royal commission of inquiry will publish findings end of November.
There’s a march and memorial service for the victims of the Princess Ashika to be held on the wharf near the Maritime Museum here in Auckland 10am, August 23. Flowers will be placed in the water. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The nation mourns the loss of another little soul this week. A two year-old killed in Kaitaia in the weekend. The baby was Maori and she was allegedly killed by her Mum also Maori.
And cue racists:
Manolo (650) Vote: 22 3 Says: August 11th, 2009 at 10:40 am
“The next issue is why are Maori killing their kids at such an incredible rate?”
That is indeed the key question. I look forward to extreme caution, concern and hand-wringing before a sensible answer is provided.
Be aware the PC brigade will be ready to shout “racist” to any opinion that contradicts its rose-tinted glasses view of the world.
big bruv (4198) Vote: 18 7 Says: August 11th, 2009 at 11:24 am
Perhaps we should learn from the Aussie’s, John Howard was brave enough to do something about child abuse in Aboriginal communities so why is John Key dragging the chain. I don’t give a shit who it offends culturally, I don’t give a shit how much damage it does to the “mana” (what a stupid fucking word that is) of the Maori party, clearly Sharples, and co are a waste of space and apologists for killers, Key needs to do something about it TODAY. Send in CYFS and remove every single child they deem to be a risk, I want EVERY SINGLE Maori beneficiary family to have to prove why they should be allowed to keep their kids, if you do not pass the test or CYFS think that the family environment might be dangerous for the kids then they are removed. Do not worry about a lack of resources, there would be thousands and thousands of good kiwi families who would help house, feed and care for these kids if only we had a PM brave enough to do something about it, hell, I would take some of them myself if that is what is needed. Beneficiary lowlife would have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were able to provide a safe environment for these kids before they were returned.
Why are our fucking pathetic media not going after her family, where was the concern from her family for this poor little kiddie, when will Maori stop making excuses for their killers?
It seems that if you are Maori the your family will excuse you of anything. Will we hear from the apartheid party?…..I doubt it
Will we hear from the Greens who seemingly exist to make excuses for Maori….I doubt it. Will this happen again next month, and the month after that……you fucking bet it will.
Read the right wing blogs or don’t…but you get the general gist of the attacks. All Maori are baby bashers and killers.
We as in, us Maori know full well we lead the statistics in, Neonaticide (child killed in the first month of life), Infanticide (child killed in the first year of life), Filicide (child killed by a member of their own family), Fatal child abuse, ‘battered baby’ or non-accidental injury, Family breakdown (child killed by a parent estranged from the other parent), Fatal sexual assault (child killed after being sexually assaulted). We don’t shirk or shrink from any of the facts as they are. We know that Maori boys are six times and Maori girls three times more likely than non-Maori to be seriously assaulted.
What the bagging-bloggers don’t know or want to know is that Maori community groups are working hard to address the issue. A couple of outstanding initiatives are Wraparound from Waipareira Trust and Amokura Family Violence Prevention Strategy.
Amokura is an integrated community-based, initiative to address family violence in Tai Tokerau (Northland). The initiative is led by the Tai Tokerau Iwi Chief Executives Consortium which is made up of the Chief Executives of seven iwi (tribal) authorities. The initiative consists of four project areas that provide a whole of population approach to addressing family violence prevention and early intervention: research, education and promotion, professional development and training, and advocacy.
Waipareira Trust has the Wraparound Service which focuses on building stronger relationships in an effort to improve relationships with rangatahi, whanau and other agencies. These relationships produce good outcomes with tangible reduction rates in youth offending in South Auckland. Te Whanau O Waipareira Trust along with Manukau Urban Maori Authority is one of the founding members of the Mangere Youth Providers Forum who meet monthly to discuss issues in Mangere. The meetings are a focal point for government and community agencies that attend to present and discuss common themes. The forum is an opportunity to improve relationships and strengthen networks. Tamaki ki Raro Trust, Genesis, Housing New Zealand, Mangere East Family Service Centre, Work and Income, Counties Manukau Sports Foundation, Department of Corrections, Police Youth Aid and Counties Manukau District Health Board are a number of government and community agencies that attend the Forum.
At last year's elections, the Maori Party campaigned on its Whanau Ora policy and last month established a Taskforce that will construct an evidence-based framework that will lead to: strengthening whanau capabilities, integrating approaches to whanau wellbeing, collaborating relationships between state agencies in relation to whanau services, establishing relationships between government and community agencies that are broader than contractual and improving cost-effectiveness and value for money.
What this all means is that Maori are exhausting all avenues from policy and bureaucracy level to front line practical to address this very real concern.
We know that with every baby dying has long lasting ramifications for us as a people, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
We aren't sitting on our hands doing nothing. So for all you bagging-bloggers yes you're either ignorant or racist or both.
And cue racists:
Manolo (650) Vote: 22 3 Says: August 11th, 2009 at 10:40 am
“The next issue is why are Maori killing their kids at such an incredible rate?”
That is indeed the key question. I look forward to extreme caution, concern and hand-wringing before a sensible answer is provided.
Be aware the PC brigade will be ready to shout “racist” to any opinion that contradicts its rose-tinted glasses view of the world.
big bruv (4198) Vote: 18 7 Says: August 11th, 2009 at 11:24 am
Perhaps we should learn from the Aussie’s, John Howard was brave enough to do something about child abuse in Aboriginal communities so why is John Key dragging the chain. I don’t give a shit who it offends culturally, I don’t give a shit how much damage it does to the “mana” (what a stupid fucking word that is) of the Maori party, clearly Sharples, and co are a waste of space and apologists for killers, Key needs to do something about it TODAY. Send in CYFS and remove every single child they deem to be a risk, I want EVERY SINGLE Maori beneficiary family to have to prove why they should be allowed to keep their kids, if you do not pass the test or CYFS think that the family environment might be dangerous for the kids then they are removed. Do not worry about a lack of resources, there would be thousands and thousands of good kiwi families who would help house, feed and care for these kids if only we had a PM brave enough to do something about it, hell, I would take some of them myself if that is what is needed. Beneficiary lowlife would have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were able to provide a safe environment for these kids before they were returned.
Why are our fucking pathetic media not going after her family, where was the concern from her family for this poor little kiddie, when will Maori stop making excuses for their killers?
It seems that if you are Maori the your family will excuse you of anything. Will we hear from the apartheid party?…..I doubt it
Will we hear from the Greens who seemingly exist to make excuses for Maori….I doubt it. Will this happen again next month, and the month after that……you fucking bet it will.
Read the right wing blogs or don’t…but you get the general gist of the attacks. All Maori are baby bashers and killers.
We as in, us Maori know full well we lead the statistics in, Neonaticide (child killed in the first month of life), Infanticide (child killed in the first year of life), Filicide (child killed by a member of their own family), Fatal child abuse, ‘battered baby’ or non-accidental injury, Family breakdown (child killed by a parent estranged from the other parent), Fatal sexual assault (child killed after being sexually assaulted). We don’t shirk or shrink from any of the facts as they are. We know that Maori boys are six times and Maori girls three times more likely than non-Maori to be seriously assaulted.
What the bagging-bloggers don’t know or want to know is that Maori community groups are working hard to address the issue. A couple of outstanding initiatives are Wraparound from Waipareira Trust and Amokura Family Violence Prevention Strategy.
Amokura is an integrated community-based, initiative to address family violence in Tai Tokerau (Northland). The initiative is led by the Tai Tokerau Iwi Chief Executives Consortium which is made up of the Chief Executives of seven iwi (tribal) authorities. The initiative consists of four project areas that provide a whole of population approach to addressing family violence prevention and early intervention: research, education and promotion, professional development and training, and advocacy.
Waipareira Trust has the Wraparound Service which focuses on building stronger relationships in an effort to improve relationships with rangatahi, whanau and other agencies. These relationships produce good outcomes with tangible reduction rates in youth offending in South Auckland. Te Whanau O Waipareira Trust along with Manukau Urban Maori Authority is one of the founding members of the Mangere Youth Providers Forum who meet monthly to discuss issues in Mangere. The meetings are a focal point for government and community agencies that attend to present and discuss common themes. The forum is an opportunity to improve relationships and strengthen networks. Tamaki ki Raro Trust, Genesis, Housing New Zealand, Mangere East Family Service Centre, Work and Income, Counties Manukau Sports Foundation, Department of Corrections, Police Youth Aid and Counties Manukau District Health Board are a number of government and community agencies that attend the Forum.
At last year's elections, the Maori Party campaigned on its Whanau Ora policy and last month established a Taskforce that will construct an evidence-based framework that will lead to: strengthening whanau capabilities, integrating approaches to whanau wellbeing, collaborating relationships between state agencies in relation to whanau services, establishing relationships between government and community agencies that are broader than contractual and improving cost-effectiveness and value for money.
What this all means is that Maori are exhausting all avenues from policy and bureaucracy level to front line practical to address this very real concern.
We know that with every baby dying has long lasting ramifications for us as a people, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
We aren't sitting on our hands doing nothing. So for all you bagging-bloggers yes you're either ignorant or racist or both.
child abuse,
child killings,
family violence,
Maori Party,
Tai Tokerau,
Waipareira Trust
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Mother’s Response to ‘Child’s Play No More’ by Gary Robertson, Herald on Sunday 09 August
I had a good giggle reading the above article, because Robertson could have been writing about my son’s team.
I’m a Rugby and Rugby League Mum.
I have two boys a 7 year-old who plays Rugby for Auckland club Ponsonby Ponies, while the 9 year old plays Rugby League for Ponsonby Pirates.
Why are the boys, who are close in age playing two different codes you ask? That’s another blog.
You have to take your hat off to the volunteer coach - always a parent who’s passionate about doing good for their kid and so when the team needs a minder, you cheer a sigh of relief when someone else’s hand goes up. But what happens when the volunteer coach becomes a vexatious megalomaniac? What happens when according to Bruce McFadden Canterbury Chairman of the Metro Junior Board “…coaches’ egos get higher and higher...they want to win at all costs?”
I gotta coach like that. A volunteer father ego-coach, who sends on average two emails a week, expounding his own virtues, detailing his rationale for game plans and training methods and rounding off the missive with an ode to his own passion for the kids and the game. I find it weird! That’s self-gratification. But how else is a volunteer coach meant to get accolades?
SPARC; New Zealand’s parent body for sport and recreation reckons about 500,000 volunteers exist. They admit it’s an estimation because it’s difficult for them to confirm actual numbers. SPARC go on to state that volunteers usually take on the role mainly for altruistic reasons. But the number of ego-coaches popping up particularly in Rugby and Rugby League would contradict this. So what is the motivation for taking on a role that can at times see them abused by players and parents alike, used as unpaid slaves by clubs (SPARC notes) and often have them forking out cash from their own pockets to make up fees and regularly double as taxi driver for kids who aren’t mobile or whose parents who aren’t motivated? Ego of course. Whether it be for ‘the-love-of-my-kid’, ‘the-passion-for-the-game’ or ‘I’m-a-better-than-Graham-Henry-coach’ it’s all about ego.
The thing is, we’re seeing more of the ‘I’m-a-better-than-Graham-Henry’ coach particularly in rugby and rugby league. According to McFadden they’re someone who over-coaches; someone who sends on the strongest players for the full duration of the game, ahead of boys with lesser skills. Often these sidelined-boys see a paltry 10 minutes of paddock time this inspite of rugby rules stating all juniors must play at least half a game. McFadden also reckons over-coaching coaches are usually found in the cities. He’s wrong of course, ego-coaches are everywhere, city and country, here and overseas according to East Coast Cam Kilgour a rugby development officer in Canterbury and Queensland. So why are these ego-coaches allowed to remain? It’s because they’re volunteers and sports of all types are desperate for coaches.
The ‘I’m-a-better-than-Graham-Henry’ ego-coach are allowed to flourish under the current volunteer environment. They’re given a captive audience – the kids and their parents, a clipboard that marks their position of authority and when you get 10 to 15 little tykes doing what they’re told (as best they can) what a ‘mana’ buzz that is.
All clubs must give their volunteers coaching support in the way of manuals and training clinics. But it’s not enough, in fact like the old adage says; a little bit of information can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. So what’s the answer? Are we staring down the barrel of paid coaches for juniors?
My two boys (inspite one of them being a league player), participated in the Pat Lam Rugby Academy in the July holiday break. The Academy was for 7 to17 year olds. Each day involved interactive coaching and one on one tuition. The coaches included the Auckland Blues Coach Pat Lam and several others who were obviously experienced in handling juniors and age restricted players. Several former All Blacks were on call, with the highlight for my boys - performing the haka with Buck Shelford. The Academy was a seven hour, week long experience. It cost us $110 (food not supplied). Money well spent I thought especially considering our 7 year-old was named Academy’s Most Outstanding Player. Even if our boy didn’t get the top prize, we still would have thought it money well spent because our kids were being taught good skills by professional coaches. I for one would pay for a good coach who just gets on with the job of coaching who has outputs to meet which includes developing age appropriate skills and techniques.
In fact part of our club fees should be given to pay for these coaches. This would mean coaches would have to undergo an interview process to ensure they have the right credentials as set by the NZRFU. Pay to coach would ensure good volunteers are paid while establishing a filtering system to minimise ego-coaches being let loose on the kids.
In the meanwhile we continue to endure ego-coach emails over analysing game plans and psycho-scrutinising of breakdowns. In the meanwhile like the rest of the parents I too shall mumble from the sideline behind a raised hand, ‘It’s only for the season, we’ll get a better coach next year, but for the grace of god it’s not me!”
A Mother’s Response to ‘Child’s Play No More’ by Gary Robertson, Herald on Sunday 09 August
I had a good giggle reading the above article, because Robertson could have been writing about my son’s team.
I’m a Rugby and Rugby League Mum.
I have two boys a 7 year-old who plays Rugby for Auckland club Ponsonby Ponies, while the 9 year old plays Rugby League for Ponsonby Pirates.
Why are the boys, who are close in age playing two different codes you ask? That’s another blog.
You have to take your hat off to the volunteer coach - always a parent who’s passionate about doing good for their kid and so when the team needs a minder, you cheer a sigh of relief when someone else’s hand goes up. But what happens when the volunteer coach becomes a vexatious megalomaniac? What happens when according to Bruce McFadden Canterbury Chairman of the Metro Junior Board “…coaches’ egos get higher and higher...they want to win at all costs?”
I gotta coach like that. A volunteer father ego-coach, who sends on average two emails a week, expounding his own virtues, detailing his rationale for game plans and training methods and rounding off the missive with an ode to his own passion for the kids and the game. I find it weird! That’s self-gratification. But how else is a volunteer coach meant to get accolades?
SPARC; New Zealand’s parent body for sport and recreation reckons about 500,000 volunteers exist. They admit it’s an estimation because it’s difficult for them to confirm actual numbers. SPARC go on to state that volunteers usually take on the role mainly for altruistic reasons. But the number of ego-coaches popping up particularly in Rugby and Rugby League would contradict this. So what is the motivation for taking on a role that can at times see them abused by players and parents alike, used as unpaid slaves by clubs (SPARC notes) and often have them forking out cash from their own pockets to make up fees and regularly double as taxi driver for kids who aren’t mobile or whose parents who aren’t motivated? Ego of course. Whether it be for ‘the-love-of-my-kid’, ‘the-passion-for-the-game’ or ‘I’m-a-better-than-Graham-Henry-coach’ it’s all about ego.
The thing is, we’re seeing more of the ‘I’m-a-better-than-Graham-Henry’ coach particularly in rugby and rugby league. According to McFadden they’re someone who over-coaches; someone who sends on the strongest players for the full duration of the game, ahead of boys with lesser skills. Often these sidelined-boys see a paltry 10 minutes of paddock time this inspite of rugby rules stating all juniors must play at least half a game. McFadden also reckons over-coaching coaches are usually found in the cities. He’s wrong of course, ego-coaches are everywhere, city and country, here and overseas according to East Coast Cam Kilgour a rugby development officer in Canterbury and Queensland. So why are these ego-coaches allowed to remain? It’s because they’re volunteers and sports of all types are desperate for coaches.
The ‘I’m-a-better-than-Graham-Henry’ ego-coach are allowed to flourish under the current volunteer environment. They’re given a captive audience – the kids and their parents, a clipboard that marks their position of authority and when you get 10 to 15 little tykes doing what they’re told (as best they can) what a ‘mana’ buzz that is.
All clubs must give their volunteers coaching support in the way of manuals and training clinics. But it’s not enough, in fact like the old adage says; a little bit of information can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. So what’s the answer? Are we staring down the barrel of paid coaches for juniors?
My two boys (inspite one of them being a league player), participated in the Pat Lam Rugby Academy in the July holiday break. The Academy was for 7 to17 year olds. Each day involved interactive coaching and one on one tuition. The coaches included the Auckland Blues Coach Pat Lam and several others who were obviously experienced in handling juniors and age restricted players. Several former All Blacks were on call, with the highlight for my boys - performing the haka with Buck Shelford. The Academy was a seven hour, week long experience. It cost us $110 (food not supplied). Money well spent I thought especially considering our 7 year-old was named Academy’s Most Outstanding Player. Even if our boy didn’t get the top prize, we still would have thought it money well spent because our kids were being taught good skills by professional coaches. I for one would pay for a good coach who just gets on with the job of coaching who has outputs to meet which includes developing age appropriate skills and techniques.
In fact part of our club fees should be given to pay for these coaches. This would mean coaches would have to undergo an interview process to ensure they have the right credentials as set by the NZRFU. Pay to coach would ensure good volunteers are paid while establishing a filtering system to minimise ego-coaches being let loose on the kids.
In the meanwhile we continue to endure ego-coach emails over analysing game plans and psycho-scrutinising of breakdowns. In the meanwhile like the rest of the parents I too shall mumble from the sideline behind a raised hand, ‘It’s only for the season, we’ll get a better coach next year, but for the grace of god it’s not me!”
All Blacks,
Buck Shelford,
pat lam,
pat lam academy,
rugby league
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